green, blue & gold folded ribbon

Man, You’re a LIFESAVER event

When: 27th March 2024 1-4pm Where: Allum Hall, 2 Allum Lane, WD6 3PJ Join for conversations about men’s health and wellbeing. There will be a range of cancer and health awareness talks, stalls, exercise taster sessions, free refreshments and much more. Free of charge and no need to book – come along and drop in […]

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Familial Hypercholesterolemia

As part of our commitment to preventative healthcare and reducing cardiovascular disease complications in our community, we are now able to offer children a heel prick test, at one year old, for inherited high cholesterol. The test involves taking a small blood sample from your child’s heel to identify if they have a rare but […]

Letters spelling News

PPG Autumn Newsletter 2023

The PPG Autumn newsletter is now available. Find information on our upcoming event and, how to join us. Keep up to date with news and information on staffing, appointments and much more. To see what our PPG can offer and read the newsletter please follow this link.