Patient Participation Group

Our Mission

  • To provide a communication channel between patients and the Practice with the aim of improving the services provided in the context of the needs of the patient community.
  • To provide wider knowledge and understanding of how to maintain good health and obtain the best and most timely treatment for health issues.

How We Work for You

  • Due to GDPR rules and the challenge of maintaining up to date contact information we use the Practice’s contact information when we want to communicate with patients.
  • Our information is communicated to you via the Practice website and via texts and emails sent out by the Practice on our behalf. The PPG only ever has patient contact details – usually names and email address – when you register for an event and we never use that information for anything other than contacting you in respect of that event
  • If you want to contact us for other reasons, please see the information below
  • We use feedback we receive from a variety of sources, e.g. Facebook posts, emails from you, discussions with patients, etc. to help the Practice improve their services and to formulate ideas for events
  • We rarely reach our maximum membership of 15 and would particularly like to have some younger members join us. So if you feel like joining the PPG or seeing what it’s all about please contact us: [email protected]

Patient Participation Group Facebook

We have a dedicated Facebook page for the PPG. Find out more with the following link.

Raising a non-medical issue with the PPG Committee

If you would like to raise a non-medical issue please email [email protected]
The committee usually meets on the second Monday of each month except for August

Patient Participation Group Registration

If you are interested in receiving notification of events and our occasional newsletter please complete the PPG sign up form below.

Sign Up For Patient Participation Group

Sign Up For Patient Participation Group

Please read our Mission statement before completing this form.

Our Mission statement and further information including our full Terms of Reference (ToR) are available on Schopwick Surgery’s website and can be provided in print on request.

The group currently meets monthly, usually on the first Monday of the month in the early evening. Meetings are held either in person usually at one of the Practice’s sites, or on-line typically using Zoom. Acceptance for membership is subject to the guidelines set out in our ToR.
Please enter date of birth in the specified format, e.g. 12/02/1999

Your information will be held securely in accordance with the guidelines of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) by the Practice and will be passed to the PPG for us to contact you in respect of this request. If you do not join the PPG, your information will not be retained by the PPG.

Note that we have no access to your health records or other confidential information.

By completing and signing this Application Form you agree to these conditions, and you may withdraw at any time by e-mailing us at [email protected].

Privacy Policy

This form collects your name, date of birth, email, other personal information and medical details. This is to confirm you are registered with the practice, to allow the practice team to contact you and also to update your medical records held by the practice and our partners in the NHS. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.
Your Consent


The group shall be known as the Schopwick Patient Participation Group. (the PPG)


The PPG is affiliated to the National Association for Patient Participation (N.A.P.P.)


    • To provide a communication channel between patients and the Practice with the aim of providing the best service possible to meet the needs of the patient community now and for the future

    • To provide wider knowledge and understanding of how to maintain good health and obtain the best and most timely treatment for health issues

    • To support and work with the Practice at their request to discuss, help test/trial new ideas and systems in order to improve services delivered to the patient community

    • To support, and work with other PPGs in our Herts5 Primary Care Network (PCN) to help maximise the benefit of activities undertaken by the PPG.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the PPG are:

    • To support and build a two-way relationship between patients and the Practice

    • To advise on developments to ensure the Practice provides the best services and care to patients

    • To seek and listen to the views of the patients, carers and staff, especially those individuals and groups whose voices are not usually heard

    • To raise issues for consideration which are evidence based and which demonstrate that they are a matter of wider concern

    • To help improve the health of the patient community through the organisation and running of specific events and the periodic publication of newsletters

    • To ensure, where and when appropriate and as far as possible, that activities of the PPG are co-ordinated with other PPGs in the PCN in order to benefit patients and minimise costs

Constraints and Limitations

    • The PPG has no responsibility for patient complaints which must be addressed with the Practice’s Practice Manager

    • The aims and objectives of the PPG are subject to change following discussion by the PPG and the Practice. This may then result in an updated version of this document

    • When working with other PPGs and practices within our PCN, we can only do so if and when they engage. The PPG will not be constrained by the failure of others to do so whatever the reason. We are also open to working with PPGs and practices outside of our PCN if and when that is deemed to be mutually advantageous.

Structure of the PPG

    • The PPG will consist of no more than 15 individuals including its officers, namely Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer nominated when appropriate at a General Meeting.

    • The PPG shall be open to all registered patients subject to the designated maximum number

    • Membership of the PPG does not confer any prior claims on the Practice or any right to preferential treatment

    • The PPG shall endeavour to meet at least 4 times a year and 4 members will constitute a quorum

    • Decisions will be taken by a simple majority vote in which the Chair shall be entitled to vote. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the casting vote.

PPG Members

    • All patients of the Practice may offer themselves to join the PPG at any time. However, if the PPG already has 15 active members, anyone wishing to join will be placed on a waiting list and offered a position as soon as an existing member has left or ceased to be active

    • A PPG member may resign at any time. Any member who does not attend 3 or more meetings in a row will be deemed to have resigned unless that person has informed the PPG that they wish to continue and can demonstrate a good reason for their non-attendance

    • A PPG member can be expelled by a vote of at least 2/3 of existing members

    • Membership of the PPG shall be terminated in the event of a member ceasing to be a patient of the Practice

    • New members and officers will be approved by a decision of all existing members according to the rules laid out for making decisions

    • Officers will serve a minimum term of 12 months unless they resign within that period. No challenge for an officer position will be considered within that period. Following any failed challenge, no further challenge will be considered for a period of 12 months

    • There is no maximum term for serving on the PPG

Confidentiality and Security

    • The PPG will maintain a record of phone numbers and email addresses of members for the sole purpose of communicating matters relating to the PPG and Practice

    • Members are encouraged to maintain up to date virus and firewall software on the devices they use to communicate with other members. However, members must accept that communication between members by email is subject to the limitations of security those systems provide

    • Any information regarding the personal medical condition of patients that may come to light during meetings or in communications will be treated in strict confidence and not discussed further beyond that specific circumstance

    • Discussions between members or between members and Practice staff often contain sensitive information that should not be shared beyond the PPG. If in doubt, seek advice from the Chair before discussing outside of the PPG


    • The PPG will use a combination of emails, social media, the Practice website, SMS texts and Practice noticeboards to communicate with all patients as deemed appropriate

    • Whenever possible, a representative of the Practice will attend the meetings of the PPG for part or all of the any PPG meeting as appropriate

    • Minutes of the PPG meetings will be published on the Practice website when considered appropriate by the PPG and the Practice. An extract may be published instead

    • If appropriate, one or more officers of the PPG may attend a meeting of the Practice

    • The PPG may use third party software to survey the patient community and the results of any such survey will be published on the Practice website. Access to the patient community will be through, and with the agreement of, the Practice as only it holds the communication details for all the patients

    • Any patient who does not have electronic access may request a printed version of any document published by the PPG. The PPG reserves the right to charge the cost of printing and delivery of any such document to the requester

    • Any publication, such as a Newsletter, produced by the PPG will consider contributions from other practices or PPGs of other practices in our PCN. Final published content will remain at the discretion of the PPG.


    • The Practice will provide an annual fund for the running of the PPG, paid as and when necessary and agreed between the PPG and the Practice. The sum will be reviewed regularly and may be adjusted to enable the PPG to accomplish agreed activities. Any surplus remaining at the end of a year can be carried forward to the following period

    • The PPG can separately raise and hold funds to support activities

    • Reasonable and prior approved out of pocket expenses on behalf of the PPG can be claimed

    • The PPG will maintain annual associate membership of N.A.P.P

    • The Practice may additionally pay, or contribute towards the cost, of events and activities jointly conceived and run by the PPG and the Practice.

General Meetings

A General Meeting will be held whenever at least 4 members of the PPG request one. That meeting should take place within 8 weeks of such a request. A General Meeting may also take place if one or more of the officers resign. Notice of the day, time and place will be given no less than 28 days via notice boards, Practice website and by email. Any item for the agenda shall be sent to the secretary for consideration at least 21 days prior to the General Meeting date.

Election of Officers

    • Any member who has attended at least 3 of the PPG meetings in the past 6 months may offer themselves for election at a GM. If more than one nomination is received for an Officer position then a vote must take place. Only PPG members may vote for officers. In the event of a tie, the Chair/outgoing Chair has the casting vote

    • Officers must stand down after serving for 4 years but may continue if no other PPG member wishes to stand for the position

Notice and Application of Terms of Reference

These Terms of Reference will be available on the Practice website and in hard copy if requested from the Practice or PPG.

Measures and Alteration to the Terms of Reference

Periodically, the PPG will evaluate the achievements accomplished in the prior period and adjust the future program accordingly. These Terms of Reference will be reviewed regularly and updated whenever changes are deemed necessary by the committee.

Updated : October 2023

Patient Participation Group Newsletter